Supporting your Local NVC Initiatives
Never Underestimate the Power of Local NVC Initiatives
Our lives here at Global NVC Online have been completely transformed by a local NVC Initiative in the Middle East. And here we are, 10 years later, living to tell the story and share forward our support for your projects.
Following the First Global & Second NVC Online Festival that took place, we invited you, our community of participants, to write to us with your own NVC Initiatives, as we had allocated funds in order to give back to the Global NVC Community (10% of the Festival’s income (some was donated to the mothership, CNVC).
We had a total of 32 initiatives who applied for support after those festivals.
It was not easy to select among these high quality, beautiful offerings.
There are many projects we truly wish we could support.
If you applied and did not receive support, please don’t hesitate to reapply after our next festival in June 2021.
We hope to create a space in our website where all initiatives will be showcased. If you agree, we can provide your contact information there so people who wish to support you can reach out to you.
Transparency of the criteria we considered in the process of choosing :
1) Clarity of how money will be used
2) Clarity of the goals that will hopefully be achieved.
3) Diversity of Communities impacted by the projects.
4) Breadth of needs we understood were being uniquely answered by the project.
Committee of volunteers that have selected the grants recipients are made up of 1 festival participant, 1 trainer, and 1 person from the wider NVC Community.
This is in order to create a power with dynamic in relation to the distribution of funds.
We are open for feedback on this structure we are suggesting as well.
Let’s keep sharing until a world where all needs matter is a concept known in every home.
The call for applications for grants from the 3rd Global Festival (May 2021) is now OPEN until August 1st. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Selected Projects to receive grants from 1st global NVC festival

Solar do Sentir Educação e Vida

Say NO to xenophobia in Africa

Parenting Children with Special Needs

Daraja La Amani Project

Project Asha

Supporting Teachers in Rural China
Selected Projects to receive grants from 2st global NVC festival

Tribe 254


Compassionate Leadership

Baraza NVC Uganda