- What is nVC?
Short Answer:
A simple, yet deeply effective tool for transforming communication patterns at home,in the work environment and any other social context.
Longer Answer
Nonviolent communication (NVC) is a theory and practice which via a focus on communication, aims to bring any human being closer to himself and to others around him/her/them. With simple yet effective tools patterns of communication are transformed to bring more clarity, joy, meaning, awareness and deepening connection in any type of relationship.
NVC gives us an opportunity to have effective communication with people around us, and helps us solve conflicts in a compassionate and connecting way.
NVC is widely used for designing life-supporting systems and communities,in government, business, schools, restorative justice, therapy,consulting and more.
Perhaps above all, it serves as a compass for creating a life that aligns with our deepest values, moment by moment, in collaboration and mutual co-creation with others.
On a social level NVC aims to create a world where more needs of more people are met and accounted for in a life-serving way. To protect life and mitigate violence.
NVC was founded and developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, an American psychologist in the 1970s and since has been widely spread all over the world. Marshall Rosenberg was a direct student of Carl Rogers ( father of empathy in psychology among other things). Rosenberg was also greatly influenced by the teaching and work of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandlea and other teachers of Non Violent traditions from all great religions.NVC theory and practice are deeply rooted both in western Psychology and in Yogic and other spiritual traditions of Nonviolence.
The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) is the global organization that supports the learning and sharing of NVC. CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the NVC process and a nexus point of NVC-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, projects and organizational consulting services

Marshall Rosenberg developed the nonviolent communication (NVC) process in the 1960s. Rosenberg believed that most conflicts between individuals or groups arise from unclear communication of their needs.
When people use language that provokes fear, shame or guilt in a conflict situation, the other person’s attention is diverted. “Violent” language prevents people from seeing their feelings, needs and requests clearly.
The conflict intensifies because that “violent part” causes counter-violence.
Why Giraffe and Jackal?
NVC uses two animals as symbols. The giraffe is the land animal with the biggest heart and stands for compassionate communication. The second animal is the jackal, representing competition. Jackal language is about judging, criticising, analysing, moralising and accusing. When we feel unfairly treated, accused or when we want to impose our wishes, we tend to use the language of the jackal. Jackal language is separating. Giraffe language is connecting.