• Grants •
Supporting Teachers in Rural China

“Education in rural areas is relatively backward compared to education in cities in China. Lack of capable teachers is one of the biggest reasons for it. Every year, there are volunteer teachers and novice teachers going to those areas to teach, but the turnover is very high due to lack of support and overworking. I started to share NVC with this group of teachers in 2018; each year there were around 40 teachers in the sharing. I helped them to use NVC in their classroom. I always remember, in August 2018, when the training was finished, one teacher in my class waited and waited until everyone finished talking to me, and then said with tears: "Can I hug you?" She said she had many challenges in her work, and really appreciated my sharing. I know it is the magic of NVC which touched her heart.
I am also very touched by their stories, their passion for education even though they face big challenges in their work. There are many left-behind children in their classes whose families have no sense of education and no energy to take care of them. The teachers are like their parents or older sisters and brothers, taking care of them, helping them to learn in class and be able to stay in school. This year, because of the pandemic, I will change the training to online. I will keep supporting them as long as I can. NVC and the No-fault Zone Game can support them to take care of themselves in these difficult environments, and I hope they can share NVC with the students to give them a happier life”.
To get more information or donate:
Wechat: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=home&__biz=MzI2MDkxMzkzNA==&scene=124#wechat_redirect
Email: bjsummerli@hotmail.com