Next Mourning Ceremony to be announced
Honoring our pain
Grieving together
In this 3 hour ritual we will be able to collectively connect with our grief, fear, anger, or emptiness for the pain we see in ourselves and in the world. We will be able to grieve our losses together, and find renewed hope and strength in our common humanity, and renewed commitment to preserve this home we share.
Facilitated by Magiari Diaz, Certified trainer of the Center for Non Violent Communication.
The ritual is intended to invite a safe and nourishing space. The process involves circle and small group work ,we will use poetry, music, light movement and conversation, and include an invitation to walk outside and bring in whichever elements of nature are available to you, near your home.
This work relies on a NVC process and Joanna Macy’s work.
Read more about Magiari Diaz (Mayiari) here.
The date for next event will be announced.
If you wish to receive a full scholarship please email us at : grief@nvcrising.org
In order to sustain this work we request a contribution of one of the following: 5€ 10€ 15€ 25€ 35€ per person: