Jeyanthy Siva
Jeyanthy Siva Sri Lanka/ Netherlands My work is rooted in principles of Nonviolent Communication as developed by Marshall Rosenberg, deepened through de-colonial lens and an understanding of domination systems and how they facilitate systemic oppression (i.e. white supremacy, ableism, transphobia, etc). Systems of domination display themselves in both visible and invisible ways. In some contexts, the invisible ways are most pernicious. Authentic living and transformative & compassionate communication becomes possible when these systems are made explicit. My current focus is facilitating & training groups to address issues of inclusion, equity, diversity as well as anti-racism training. When requested, I offer conflict mediation training and coaching as well as doing mediation & restorative circle dialogues to support individuals and groups to work through conflicts. For 20 plus years, I did training in Nonviolent Communication in different parts of the world (see below). I have skills in areas of conflict transformation and dialogue, restorative and transformative justice, facilitation (team retreats, project planning, caucus’), gender and social inclusion & community engagement. For more information: https://communication-matters.net/about/about/