Kai Sawyer
Kai Sawyer is the founder of Tokyo Urban Permaculture and the Peace and Permaculture Dojo in Chiba, Japan. He is dedicated to learning about and experimenting with inner transformation, ecological living, and nonviolent social change. Currently, he is co-designing an ecoversity to explore social change through integrating the 3S's: Soil, Soul, Society, inspired by Satish Kumar. He studies and teaches NVC, permaculture, mindfulness, gift economics, systems activism, and the Gandhian Iceberg. He is the author of two books, "Urban Permaculture Guide" (Japanese only) and "Our Earth, Our Home: The Essential Japanese Green Living Handbook for Kids. " (English version coming in 2022). His main nonviolence teachers are "his" three year-old daughter and the earth. Website: tokyourbanpermaculture.com