Kathleen Macferran
Kathleen Macferran Certified Trainer and Assessor for the Center for Nonviolent Communication Owner Strength of Connection in Seattle, WA MMus in Conducting, Western Washington University; BA, Whitworth University Kathleen holds a vision for a peaceful, just and sustainable world. She is committed to spending the rest of her days building a world where peace replaces violence, love replaces hate, equity replaces inequity, and all people live meaningful lives.
She has worked as a Certified Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 2003, and as a CNVC Assessor since 2010 when she pioneered a community-based path to certification. Community system building and conflict transformation are passions of hers. Kathleen has worked internationally with individuals, community groups, businesses, schools, colleges, faith-based communities, hospitals, families, prison inmates, and correctional and law enforcement employees.
She serves as a trainer for the Freedom Project of Seattle, WA, an organization that supports healing connection and restorative communities both inside and outside prison through the strategies of Nonviolent Communication, mindfulness, racial equity and anti- oppression.
Kathleen offers trainings, facilitation, system building and mediation using practical skills that lead to reconciliation with ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. . Kathleen is the author of,and conductor for Giraffe Tales, a children’s CD setting stories to music. She is the conductor on multiple classical music recordings. Her website is www.StrengthofConnection.com where her two TEDx talks can be found.