Samuel Odhiambo
Samuel is a Centre for Nonviolent Communication certified trainer from Nairobi Kenya. He grew up in Mukuru ‘slums’, the second largest informal settlement in Kenya. Life in the ‘slums ‘enabled him learn self-reliance and self-responsibility for his own actions from 10 years old. He is passionate about social change more so a shift from power over to power with structures. He has been sharing NVC with his childhood community since 2011 through in different capacities through the Mukuru Peace Forum which has created a safe space for youths to engage and explore turning community challenges into opportunities. Samuel has been a part of International Intensive Trainings in Kenya as an organizer and trainer in Austria and Argentina. He is currently an NVC role filler on the Global Social Innovation Academy as the organisation nurtures social entrepreneurs from vulnerable backgrounds who would embrace social accountability and power with team members.